
What to Say After Hey to Craft the Ideal Response


What to say after hey when someone sends a “hey” text? Is it necessary to reply at all? Is the person genuinely interested in chatting, or is it just a lighthearted attempt at starting a fun conversation?

Regardless of their intent, knowing how to respond to a “hey” message is crucial if you want the conversation to continue. Your response should be clear and show your willingness to engage in the chat right away.

Here are some fun ways to respond:

  • Use a clickbait text to pique their interest.
  • Impress them with your witty sarcasm.
  • Send a (cheesy) pickup line for a playful approach.
  • Share a joke, even if it’s a bit cheesy.

What to Say After Hey: Do’s and Don’ts

Learn how to transform a simple greeting into a meaningful conversation with our guide on what to say after Hey. Discover do’s to engage effectively while avoiding common don’ts in texting interactions.

What to Say After Hey

1. When you receive a “Hey” message, reply with variations like “Howdy,” “Hey there,” or “Heya” to keep the conversation light and engaging.
2. Start a conversation about the other person’s interests or something unique you noticed on their profile to create a stronger bond.
3. Encourage the other person to share more about themselves by asking questions and making them feel comfortable, which can lead to more meaningful interactions.
4. Playfully tease them about their “Hey” message to add a touch of humor and keep the conversation interesting, but be careful not to overdo it.
5. Send a funny meme or GIF to make your greeting more engaging and relatable, injecting some fun into the conversation.

What Not to Say After Hey

1. Avoid rigid, straightforward conversations that can become boring. Let the conversation flow naturally and be open to changing topics.
2. Don’t let a monotonous routine reflect in your conversations. Infuse excitement and enthusiasm into your messages to keep the other person engaged.
3. Don’t overshare mundane details of your life. Instead, highlight the most interesting aspects of your experiences to keep the conversation lively.
4. Avoid completely ignoring a “Hey” message if you’re interested in the person. Not responding can close off potential opportunities for a meaningful conversation.
5. Steer clear of being rude or impatient in your responses. Even if the “Hey” message frustrates you, respond with kindness or humor to maintain a positive interaction.

You’re facing a common challenge – getting new matches but being uncertain about what to say after Hey. It can indeed be tricky to gauge the other person’s interests or mood, making it hard to come up with an engaging response.

Imagine this scenario: You’re swiping through your favourite dating app and stumble upon a profile that catches your eye. You match with them, and soon enough, you receive a message – a simple yet potentially loaded “Hey.” You might feel a mix of excitement and anxiety. You really want to keep the conversation going, but you’re not quite sure how to respond.

It’s perfectly understandable to find a “Hey” message frustrating, even if it’s from someone you genuinely like. You might be eager to impress them and establish a meaningful connection, but you’re faced with a loss for words. In this guide, we’ll explore some valuable strategies on what to say after hey. So, let’s dive in and discover how to turn a casual greeting into a captivating dialogue.

What’s the Reason Behind Sending “Hey” Messages?

The intentions behind sending a simple “Hey” message from someone may not always be known, but these are the possible reasons with a touch of human insight:

  • Firstly, sending multiple “Hey” messages on dating apps is common for some individuals. Their motive is to test the waters and see who responds. If they receive a reply, they might spice things up by sharing something intriguing or posing a thought-provoking question.
  • On the other hand, there are those individuals who, despite their genuine interest in connecting, struggle with initiating engaging conversations. Their “Hey” message might be an attempt to grab your attention, but they might not have mastered the art of crafting an attention-grabbing opening line. However, you have the power to steer the conversation in an enjoyable direction by taking the lead and introducing a topic that both of you can relish discussing.
  • A “Hey” message can sometimes be like a quick way of asking if you have time to talk before they send a longer message. Responding with a friendly reply letting them know you’re free to chat may encourage them to open up and share more with you. It’s a simple but effective way of starting a conversation and showing you’re ready to listen and engage.

In most cases, if you receive a plain and dull “Hey” or “Hi” message from someone you want to talk to, it’s often best to be patient and give them a couple of chances to open up. Don’t rush to move on. Sometimes, patience can lead to delightful and meaningful conversations.

Why What You Text Is Important

Ever pondered the significance of what to say after hey in today’s world? Or you’ve encountered a situation where you liked someone in person, but once you started texting, you realized you didn’t have much to talk about. It’s true; getting to know someone better through texting requires a bit more effort.

In this fast-paced era, texting and messaging have emerged as the primary means of communication for couples and individuals alike. Our bustling lives and limited free time have rendered lengthy phone calls or in-person chats a rarity. Consequently, texting has claimed its throne as the chief mode of staying in touch and nurturing relationships.

In the world of texting, the content of your text messages becomes crucial, especially in the early stages of a relationship. Taking a moment to think about your words is essential, but there’s no need to stress over every character.

When you discover, a special connection with someone brings magical, effortless conversations. No need to compose your messages too carefully; just be yourself and let the conversation unfold naturally. Trust in the connection you’re building, and enjoy getting to know each other through texting.

What To Say After Hey

Blocking someone just because they initiated a conversation with a simple “Hey” might seem a bit hasty. In fact, this seemingly innocent greeting could be the gateway to a captivating and unforgettable conversation if you know what to say after hey.

Say “Hey” In Return

Admittedly, crafting the perfect opening message requires a bit of thought, but it should feel manageable. After all, you’re not in a job interview; you’re tackling an exciting journey of connection. Welcome the casual and playful nature of the interaction. Here are some handy tips to ace the art of sparking engaging conversations:

Say “Hey” In Return

When you receive a “Hey” message, it may appear as a simple and casual greeting, not necessarily reflecting a strong effort to establish a connection. To urge them gently and encourage a more engaging talk, you have a few playful options.

Responding with a similar “Hey” is one way to put the ball back in their court, prompting them to contribute more to the conversation. Alternatively, you could add a touch of variety and charm by trying out variations like “Howdy,” “Hey there,” “Heya,” or even “Hey to you, too!” Remember, the key is to keep the conversation lighthearted and inviting, paving the way for a delightful and meaningful interaction.

Start A Conversation About Her Interests.

Reveal the art of genuine connection by showing her that you’ve taken the time to dig into her profile. Let her sense that something unique about her profile truly resonated with you. By highlighting shared interests or hobbies, you pave the way for a stronger bond.

When she realizes your sincere curiosity in getting to know her, she’ll likely return with longer and more meaningful messages. Taking that extra step to acknowledge her passions and interests makes all the difference in fostering a deeper connection.


Once she starts opening up and showing interest, consider suggesting an instant date to continue the connection in person. Asking questions is a great way to understand each other better and see if you are a good match. By allowing her to share and qualify herself, you’ll empower her to feel more engaged and captivated. Let her sense that you’re not entirely set on winning her over, as this dynamic can ignite a healthy sense of curiosity on her part.

The key is to foster an environment where she feels comfortable expressing herself. As she shares more about herself, a genuine connection will develop, and she’ll be more open to the idea of meeting you again in the future.

I’m Listening, Please Go Ahead

Responding with a simple “Hey” is the perfect way to go when you’re texting. It lets them know you’re available to chat and that they can share whatever they want to talk about. This no-nonsense response skips the formalities and gets straight to the point, making the conversation more relaxed and easygoing.

Tease them about sending a “Hey” message

Indeed, most people are well aware that a simple “Hey” may not spark excitement or originality. However, you can cleverly keep the conversation going by playfully teasing the other person for their choice of greeting. A touch of humor can work wonders.

Remember, the key is to strike the right balance with your humor and avoid overdoing it. You want to come across as witty and light-hearted, not aggressive or overly sarcastic. Before hitting that send button, take a moment to read your message aloud to gauge its tone. If in doubt, consider crafting a different reply that aligns better with the overall vibe of the conversation.

Ultimately, a sprinkle of humor can add a charming touch to your interaction, making it all the more enjoyable and memorable for both parties involved. So, go ahead and welcome your playful side, crafting responses that bring a smile to the other person’s face.

Build Suspense Like This

When you match with someone and engage in a traditional conversation, it’s easy to fall into the trap of swiftly moving from one topic to another. However, many people fail to recognize that such an approach might not be as captivating as they hope. If you truly want to hold someone’s attention and create meaningful engagement, you must master the art of compelling conversation.

So, how do you achieve that?

The key is to infuse your conversation with elements that keep your match intrigued and eager for more. One powerful technique is to leave them hanging on a cliffhanger, like a gripping story that leaves the audience craving the next chapter.

When you’re amidst a compelling discussion, pause at a point of excitement or interest, giving them a taste of what’s to come. This way, your match will find it hard to zone out, as their curiosity will drive them to continue the conversation, eagerly awaiting your next message.

Oh, Hi. I Almost Forget About You

When you find yourself in a situation where you have to end a texting session due to important work abruptly, and the other person texts you later with a simple “Hey,” you can reply with: “Oh, Hi. I almost forget about you.” On the other hand, if you intentionally choose not to respond to someone and they reach out with a “hey,” you might opt for this approach.

This response keeps things nice while avoiding any direct reference to your previous lack of response. It allows for a fresh start to the conversation and leaves room for both parties to move forward without dwelling on past interactions.

Hey, I’m Super Busy At The Moment. Maybe We Could Talk Some Other Time?

An age-old yet tactful approach when you find yourself in a situation where you’d rather not engage with someone is to gently mention that you’re busy. While this may indeed be true, there’s no harm in resorting to a little white lie if it prevents hurting someone’s feelings.

Kindly inform the person, without haste, that you’re occupied at the moment and don’t feel compelled to respond immediately. Should they reach out again, you can be more explicit in letting them know (while remaining considerate and polite) that you’d prefer not to delve into a texting conversation with them.

Give No Response

Responding to a casual “Hey” message is not an obligation you owe to anyone. This holds particularly true in scenarios like using dating apps, where you receive numerous messages. You have the right to decide whom you want to engage with and whom you don’t think you’re compatible with. Ignoring messages from individuals who don’t seem like a good match for you is perfectly acceptable.

Moreover, if someone persistently sends messages even when you haven’t replied, you are well within your rights to take action to protect your comfort and boundaries. If their behaviour makes you uncomfortable, blocking them from further communication is entirely acceptable.

Okay, Bye

While it’s essential to maintain serious and respectful behaviour in most situations, there are times when dealing with persistent “Hey” messages requires a more direct approach to set clear boundaries. If you want to discourage someone who consistently replies with just “Hey” and nothing more, this “Okay, Bye” response can effectively convey your disinterest.

This reply firmly communicates your preference for more meaningful interactions while avoiding any ambiguity. It sets the tone for what you’re looking for and leaves little room for continued one-word exchanges.

What Not to Say After Hey

Mastering the art of captivating text conversations and leaving a positive impression becomes significantly more accessible once you eliminate common texting mistakes. To ensure you don’t accidentally hurt your talker’s feelings when messaging, here are some recommendations on what not to say after “Hey.”

What Not to Say After Hey

Keeping these guidelines in mind will help you navigate text conversations with grace and consideration:

Being Too Linear

Understanding conversations indeed requires thinking in a straightforward manner rather than getting lost in complexity. Just as men use straight rulers to measure something as personal as their dongers and not a piece of string, the essence lies in keeping conversations engaging and dynamic. Too much rigidity can lead to boredom and potential disaster, where you risk losing her attention and any chance of meeting up.

Conversations flourish when they flow naturally, meandering like a beautiful river rather than adhering to rigid structures. Embrace spontaneity, allow topics to evolve organically, and don’t be afraid to inject humor or share personal stories.

You’re Not Stimulating Your Mind

Indeed, many of us find ourselves stuck in monotonous routines, repeating the same activities daily, week after week, and sometimes year after year. This repetitive pattern can also seep into our conversations, making them feel lacklustre and uninteresting.

When we’re bored with our own lives, it reflects in our conversations, and we may struggle to talk about our experiences with genuine excitement. However, an animated and enthusiastic person is undeniably captivating to listen to. Therefore, finding ways to infuse excitement into our lives and, consequently, into our conversations is essential.

Not Editing Your Life

Life indeed presents us with a constant stream of events, experiences, and emotions. Amidst this ongoing flow, the art lies in knowing how to edit our lives and extract the most meaningful moments. Many people struggle to edit out the everyday aspects, inadvertently allowing the charm of their experiences to be overshadowed.

You see, memories have a unique ability to be shaped and refined. Just as an artist creates a masterpiece by selectively highlighting the most significant details, you can edit your memories to emphasize the highlights of your experiences. Doing so lets you share a compelling narrative with others and enjoy the joy of revisiting those cherished moments.

Cute Ways To Reply After Hey

You hit the nail on the head! Our generation tends to prefer clarity and straightforwardness, but it’s crucial to strike a balance between being clear and respectful. Impatience and rudeness create unnecessary friction in conversations. We must consider that not everyone is equally comfortable with texting; some may be new to this mode of communication or inherently shy by nature.

When faced with a simple “Hey” text that might initially frustrate you, injecting humor and wit into your responses can work wonders. By providing good and funny replies, you infuse the conversation with a spark of interest, giving it the momentum to flow into various topics.

Send A Funny Meme That Reminds You Of Them

Who doesn’t adore a good meme? (If someone claims otherwise, they might be fibbing!) Whether you have a store of hilarious memes saved on your phone or computer or saving those that tickle your funny bone, or if you prefer to search online for something that resonates with the person you desire, sharing memes is an enjoyable way to say hello.

Keeping a collection of saved memes handy allows you to send them occasionally, adding a touch of humor and light-heartedness to your conversations. It’s a delightful way to make your greetings more engaging and create an instant connection over shared laughs.

Pay Them A Flirty Compliment

Sincere flattery can indeed be a fantastic way to catch your crush’s attention. By highlighting a feature you genuinely admire in the other person, you can turn it into a playful and flirtatious text. Complimenting their physical attributes, such as their appearance in a dress or outfit, or praising recent accomplishments that make them feel attractive and appreciated can work wonders.

The key to this approach lies in delivering the compliment cutely and endearingly. After starting the conversation with a compliment, following it up with a question is an excellent way to keep the interaction flowing. For instance, you might say, “Your sense of humor always leaves me smiling! What’s your favorite joke?” This creates an opportunity to continue the conversation on a topic they’re interested in, leading to a delightful and engaging exchange that keeps the sparks flying!

Send A Funny GIF

Absolutely, funny GIFs are timeless and always bring a smile to our faces. When you’re looking to inject some fun into your texts but can’t find the right words, GIFs come to the rescue! They are a creative and expressive way to convey your feelings, share ideas, and add humor to your conversations.

Whether it’s a GIF saying “Hello” or “Howdy,” using them can instantly make your greetings more engaging and appealing. It’s a refreshing alternative to the usual plain text “Hello,” adding a delightful touch that captures attention right from the start.

What To Say After Hey: Keeping The Conversation Alive?

When embarking on conversations with someone, especially on dating platforms or websites, it’s natural to feel uncertain about whether you want to continue the interaction. However, suppose you suddenly find yourself intrigued and eager to keep the chat alive after reading the person’s profile. In that case, you might wonder what to say after “hey” to ensure the conversation flourishes.

Keeping The Conversation Alive

To make the chat last longer and create a lively exchange, here are some alternative response options you can consider:

  • Casual and Cool: Simply say “hey” back to appear laid-back and relaxed.
  • Friendly and Intimate: Opt for a quick “Hi” to create a more friendly and close-knit atmosphere.
  • Expressing Interest: Use “Hey, what’s up?” to show that you’re eager to continue the conversation.
  • Inquiring About Their Day: Say, “Hey, how is your day going?” to demonstrate personal interest in their daily activities.
  • Showing Enthusiasm: If you’re genuinely interested, reply with “Good morning, I’m happy you texted me! How are you doing?” to convey your excitement.
  • Simple Inquiry: Just asking “How are you?” without greetings is also a valid way to keep the conversation going.
  • Asking About Their Activities: Use “What are you doing?” to keep the chat going and signal your readiness for further conversation.
  • Personal Touch: Ask, “How is your night/day/morning/evening going?” to show genuine concern for their well-being.
  • Familiar and Relaxed: If you know the person well, feel free to respond with “What’s popping?” as an informal way of saying, “What’s up?”
  • Playful Coincidence: If you were planning to message them too, you could say, “I was just going to send you a message! What a coincidence!”

Choose the response that aligns with your personality and the type of connection you want to establish. Happy chatting!

The Best Topics To Start A Conversation

Starting a conversation is just the beginning, and knowing the best topics to discuss can keep it flowing smoothly. Here are some popular and engaging topics to consider:

Family: People often take pride in discussing their families as long as the questions remain respectful and not too intrusive.

Sports: Sports enthusiasts are eager to share their passion. Ask about their favourite teams, tournaments, or sporting events to ignite a lively discussion.

Entertainment: Inquiring about favorite TV shows or series is a great way to discover shared interests and spark conversation.

News: Staying updated on current events can help you engage in small talk with strangers and acquaintances, though it’s wise to avoid discussing political news in the workplace.

Work: Asking about a person’s role and responsibilities at work can inspire an animated response, whether you’re conversing with a colleague or a new acquaintance.

By exploring these topics, you can create engaging conversations and deepen connections with others. The key to meaningful conversations is active listening and genuine interest in the other person’s responses.

Best Topics To Start A Conversation

How To Stop Heys?

Dealing with endless “hey” messages on dating apps can be both annoying and frustrating. Many users wonder how to stop this influx of repetitive and uninteresting messages. Here are some strategies to tackle this issue:

  1. Message Filters: If the app or dating platform offers message filtering options, utilize them. You can set up filters to automatically send single-word messages, as well as keyword-specific ones, directly to the trash folder. This way, you can quickly clear out those unwanted messages.
  1. Turn Off Notifications: By disabling notifications, you can take control of when you check your messages. This gives you the opportunity to sift through incoming messages at your own pace and efficiently remove those repetitive “heys.”
  1. Avoid Putting Warnings in Your Profile: While it might be tempting to include a note on your profile saying you don’t respond to “hey” messages, it’s unlikely to deter those who send them. People who rely on one-word greetings often don’t read profiles thoroughly.

Don’t let endless “heys” bog you down; take control and create connections with those who show genuine interest in getting to know you better.

Bottom Line:

Initiating and maintaining engaging conversations can be a challenge, especially when faced with a simple “Hey” message. However, understanding the possible reasons behind such greetings and knowing what to say after “hey” can transform a dull start into a captivating dialogue.

Patience plays a key role in fostering meaningful connections, allowing the conversation to develop organically. In today’s fast-paced world, where texting has become the primary mode of communication, the content of our text messages carries significant importance. Being genuine, thoughtful, and humorous can go a long way in creating a connection that feels effortless and magical.

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